IRWO: Forms

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A photograph of Jaipur Housing Complex


You can view and download various forms as given below by clicking on the appropriate form.

Sample Forms: Category-Wise

A: Primary Membership
A1 : Primary Membership Application Form (for Railway Employees)
A2 : Primary Membership Application Form(For Non-Railway Employees)
A3 : Issue of Primary Membership Number

B: Booking of Dwelling Unit
B1 : Application form for booking of Dwelling Unit (for Railway Employees only)
B2 : Application form for booking of Dwelling Unit (for Blood Relation of Railway employees only)
B3 : Application form for booking of Dwelling Unit (Other than Railway Employees & thier Blood Relations)
B4 : Allotment Letter
B5 : Acceptance and Undertaking
B6 : Challan Form
B7 : Provisional Booking Letter
B8 : Regret Letter

C: Allotment of Specific Dwelling Unit/Taking Over Possession
C1 : Allotment letter
C2 : Undertaking from Allottees
C3 : Possession letter

D: Co-Ownership
D : Guidelines on Co-Ownership
D1 : Application for Co-Ownership
D2 : Undertaking (From Co-Owner)
D3 : Affidavit (From Co-Owner)
D4 : Letter granting co-ownership status
D5 : Application for deletion/removal of Co-ownership
D6 : Letter granting deletion/removal of Co-ownership

E: Transfer of Dwelling Unit in case of Death
E : Guidelines on Transfer of ownership in case of death
E1 : Application for transfer of ownership
E2 : Affidavit by Nominee/Claimant/Legal Heir
E3 : Affidavit for Relinquishment of property rights
E4 : Indemnity Bond from legal heir indemnifying IRWO
E5 : No dues certificate from Allottee Association/RWA
E6 : Attestation of Signature by Bank
E7 : Letter transfering ownership to the legal heir of the deceased

F: Transfer of Dwelling Unit by Sale
F : Guidelines on Transfer of ownership by Sale
F1 : Joint Application by Transferor and Transferee
F2 : Affidavit by Transferor
F3 : Affidavit by Transferee
F4 : Undertaking by Transferee
F5 : Signature of Transferee attested by bank
F6 : No Dues Certificate from Allottee Association/RWA
F7 : Issue of NOC by IRWO for transfer of Ownership by Sale

G: Grant of Loan/House Building Advance
G1 : No objection Certificate for Grant of Loan from Bank/Govt
G2 : Tripartite Agreement (1st Mortgage)
G3 : Tripartite Agreement (2nd Mortgage)
G4 : Tripartite Agreement for grant of House Building Advance from Government

H: Miscellaneous
H1 : Application Form for Participation/Withdrawal from a Demand Survey
H2 : Undertaking for Refund on Withdrawal from a Scheme
H3 : Application Form for Issue of Draft Conveyance Deed / Sub-Lease Deed